Workout #2 coming your way….


screen shot 2019-01-29 at 9.25.42 pm

For all the 12-week challengers, we’re excited to announce that our 2nd Sunday workout is around the corner.

RSVP here for either 7am or 8am for this Sunday, March 10, 2019.

Also, if you’re on Facebook, we launched a mini photo challenge!  Get in on it!  It’s fun!


LADIES!  Too often, I hear people complaining that their weight is not budging, yet they swear they’re eating healthy.  My answer is always the same – eating “healthy” foods alone is not enough to induce FAT LOSS, it’s about HOW MUCH you’re eating!  It’s all math.

Many healthy foods are full of calories, leading you to consume far more than you realize.  You must track your calories to know how much energy you’re putting into your body.   YOU WILL NOT LOSE WEIGHT UNLESS YOU ARE IN A CALORIE DEFICIT! (No matter how nutrient dense your diet is.)  As a matter of fact, you can actually gain weight on a healthy diet, if you’re not counting your calories!

Here’s a chart I found that depicts some high-calorie, healthy foods:




10 Responses to “Workout #2 coming your way….”

  1. Cristina Cordero Says:

    7 am please


  2. Kat Says:

    Kat and Jane for 7!


  3. Christy Says:

    Putting in my RSVP for Sunday, 7:00 am, thanks so much! 🙂


  4. Grettel Says:

    8 am for me!


  5. Ashley Mayorga Says:

    Hey! 8am for me!! Thanks 😎👍


  6. Marla Oliu Says:

    8 am for me please! – Marla


  7. Abigail Bert Says:



  8. Viviana Says:

    Count me in for 7:00. Tx!!!


  9. Romero-diaz, Ana M. Says:

    I will attend at 8 am.



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